2 research outputs found

    The Impact of Electronic Data Interchange on Accounting Systems

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    Purpose: Electronic Data Interchange has positively impacted the accounting system considering several steps achieved due to the ability to execute several business-related tasks efficiently and fast without any human error. The present studies on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 's role in accounting systems refer to it as an interchange mechanism that has guided the exchange of business information driven by a standardized format by eliminating handwritten or manual tasks to electronic, digitalized, and globally reliable systems. This paper will provide a comprehensive analysis of the study to explore the role of Electronic Data Interchange on the accounting system and how its adoption is changing financial performance due to its efficiency and effectiveness. The analysis will create mass awareness of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) use and its adoption, besides its acceptability by the entire European trading community.    Theoretical Framework: Electronic data interchange (EDI) has improved accounting systems practices by eliminating paper and introducing information exchange and transactions through high-speed electronic controls without human intervention. Based on the Electronic Data Interchange's progressive background, it has created a rapid development and shift by several organization accounting systems as shown in several present studies.    Design Methodology: This research used analytical and descriptive data collection tools to investigate the role of electronic data interchange in the project work of accounting systems in organizations. The data was obtained after multiple case studies to observe various kinds of Data Interchange diffusion in Europe and Romani. Several researchers like O'Callaghan and open-ended questionnaires were primarily developed to collect data from banks that use electronic data interchange in Europe and Romania. A simple random sampling mechanism was used to spread the data collection tools to the manager. A descriptive data analysis factorial technique was used to analyze the data supporting the role of electronic data interchange in accounting systems. Data collected was analyzed in bar graphs based on the case studies to show the role of EDI adoption among several organizations in the accounting system.   Findings: The study findings indicated that management of European companies in assessing completion among the banking sector members using E.D.I must be adopted dur to several advantages such as increased efficiency as seen in their accounting systems.   Research Practical and Social Implication: This research demonstrates that the implementation of Electronic Data Interchange can significantly impact accounting systems by improving efficiency, accuracy, and accountability. In the context of accounting systems, EDI can be used to automate the flow of financial transactions between organizations, such as invoicing, purchase orders, and payments.    Originality/ Value: The results of this study suggest that there is the potential of E.D.I to make a significant impact on the field, improving and simplifying accounting activities and streamlining organization efficiency

    Analytical Study of the Phenomenon of Money Laundering and its Impact on the Iraqi Banking Sector

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    تناقش هذه الدراسة ظاهرة غسيل الأموال وأثرها على القطاع المالي بشكل عام والقطاع المصرفي العراقي بشكل خاص حيث توضح منهجية البحث عملية تبييض الأموال بالتفصيل والمراحل الأساسية الثلاثة المتمثلة في غسيل الأموال التوظيف، التمويه ومرحلة الدمج. كيف وأين يتم غسل الأموال وهي أحد الأسباب الرئيسية لمعالجة هذه المشكلة وما هو دور الحكومات؟ كما يتناول البحث تأثير غسيل الأموال على الاقتصاد العراقي ويتمثل في سرقة البنوك وايقاف المشاريع الصناعية والإرهاب والفساد. اما أهم التوصيات التي تحد من هذه الظاهرة هي التعاون الدولي والمساعدة القانونية في التحقيقات المتعلقة بغسيل الأموال واستخدام برمجة وأنظمة إلكترونية لإدخال معلومات اصحاب العقارات والشركات للكشف عن الأنشطة المشبوهة. وللحد من هذه المشكلة يتطلب إنشاء وحدات متخصصة في البنك المركزي ووزارة المالية والعدل والسلطات الأمنية لتطبيق جميع القوانين ضد غسيل الأموال. أما بالنسبة للقطاع المصرفي العراقي، فمن الضروري التحقق من هوية اصحاب الأموال المودعة في البنوك وإبلاغ الجهات المختصة من قبل إدارة البنك لاي نشاط مشبوه بالإضافة إلى التأكد من المستندات التي تؤكد قانونية الأموال المودعة.This study discusses the phenomenon of money laundering and its impact on the financial sector in general and the Iraqi banking sector. The research methodology describes money laundering in detail and the three basic stages of money laundering, placement, layering, and integration. How and where money laundering is a key reason to address this problem and what is the role of governments? It also deals with the impact of money laundering on the Iraqi economy, which is the theft of banks, the suspension of industrial projects, terrorism and corruption. The most important recommendations that limit this phenomenon is international cooperation and legal assistance in money laundering investigations. The use of programming and electronic systems to enter the information of owners of real estate and businesses to detect suspicious activities. To reduce this problem requires the establishment of specialized units in the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance, Justice and the security services to apply all laws against money laundering. As for the Iraqi banking sector, it is necessary to verify the identity of the owners of the funds deposited in banks. Inform the competent authorities by the bank's management of any suspicious activity. In addition to confirming the documents proving the legality of the funds deposited